
Are You Wasting Your Ears?

Music has the power to inspire, motivate, captivate, and otherwise influence our emotions in nearly every way possible.  The tunes we hear even have an effect on our subconscious mind and our mood.  Hearing the right song at the right time can have just as much of an influence on our feelings as a hug when we're down, or company when we're lonely, or some good head when we're horny (OK, OK...maybe not THAT much of an influence).

That is why playlists are so important.

I believe you should have a playlist set up for every mood you're in.  Every time you get in a certain mood, add the songs you feel like hearing to that playlist.  That way, you are not relying on shuffle to dictate your mood.  Now, of course, there will be times when you;'re in the mood to have your playlist shuffle, and thats perfectly fine.  I'm just saying, hearing the type of songs you want to hear when you want to hear them is very valuable. You still have the unpredictability of not knowing exactly what song will come on if you shuffle, but you'll know it will surely be a  song that you are in the mood to listen to.  No more having to take your iPod out every 4 minutes to change songs.  And if you do want to hear a certain song that fits the mood you're in, that song will probably be in your playlist for that specfic mood and that's less clicks you have to make.  Also, think about if you unexpectedly need to throwon your iPod in a social gathering.  You don't want to have to keep changing the songs manually, you want to enjoy yourself.  And you want to have an appropriate playlist to entertain the audience.

Think about it: would you constantly have conversations with people about things that you weren't interested in the moment? Would you not care if when you signed online, your browser randomly took you to any website you had ever visited? Then why limit yourself to always relying on "shuffle all" without having a playlist? Would you get up and change the channel every time if you had a remote? No.  So why would u go searching alphabetically through your iPod every time you wanted to hear a different song? Most people listen to their iPods at least 2 hours a day.  That's almost 1,000 hours per year.  Do you really want 1,000 hours of what goes into your ears being controlled by what an Apple device decides? And do you want 1,000 of your precious hours to be interrupted by having to search for something every 4 minutes or less? Don't waste your ears.

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